Organizer:The Central Academy of Drama语言:中文英文
Co-organizer:OISTAT Education Commission
ISDSWE International Stage Design Students' Works Exchange

     ISDSWE(International Stage Design Students Work Exchange)is a stage design education platform which was set up jointly by the CCAD (The Central Academy of Drama, China) and the OISTAT (International Organization of Scenographers, Theatre Architects and Technicians) Education Commission in 2010, which was headquartered in the CCAD, aiming at cultivating and recognizing the outstanding talent of stage design students through the excellent works competition selected from the courses of schools and institutions around the world, as well as Comprehensive Stage Design Workshop. In accordance with the decision taken at the annual meeting of the OISTAT Education Commission in 2013, the exhibition was named BIB (Beijing International Biennale), which will be held every two years to develop and attract the participation of more outstanding schools and institutions.


1. Exhibition & Competition: Display of outstanding student works from schools and institutions from all over the world, and official catalogues publication in Chinese and English. The BIB exhibition sets one Outstanding Emerging Designer-Premier Crystal Award alternate name The Crystal Cube, three Emerging Designer Excellence Awards, and five Emerging Designer Honorable Mentions. Awards are appraised and elected by the international jury committee.

    ISDSWE exhibition has been held for four sessions so far, and has become another international top major professional Exhibition & Competition under the OISTAT after the World Stage Design (WSD).

 2. Comprehensive Stage Design Workshop: the workshop aims to provide visiting international students and teachers in China with an opportunity to get along and make small performance works together. The workshop is held in the theater of the CCAD and the works will also be presented to students and teachers. The spirit is to build a bridge across different countries, cultures and languages, and to promote the stage-design as an international language.

    Academic content related to the exhibition and workshop can be found on the websites of ISDSWE (www.isdswe.org) and OISTAT (www.oistat.org).


                                                        ISDSWE Executive Commission

                                                Co-chairman:   Sun Daqing   William Kenyon

                                             Vice Chairman:   Michael Ramsaur

                                  Executive Committee:

                                                                            Sun Daqing

                                                                            William Kenyon

                                                                            Michael Ramsaur

                                                                            Marina Raytchinova

                                                                            Zhang Qingshan

                                                                            Liu Xinglin
