Organizer:The Central Academy of Drama语言:中文英文
Co-organizer:OISTAT Education Commission
Year: The 2018 The 2014 The 2013 The 2012 The 2011 The 2007 The 2010 The 2009 The 2008
Categories: Scenography Set design Lighting Design Scenic Painting Costume Design Makeup Design Stage technology Stage technology Puppet Design Props Design Works Making Set design for film Workshop Stage Design & Puppet Design Stage Design & Costume Design Exhibition Opening and Close Ceremony
Colleges: Bulgaria National Academy of Art China The Central Academy of Drama Chinese Opera Institute China PLA Academy of Art Taiwan National Normal University China PLA Academy of Art Korea Sangmyung University School of Art Russia Chekhov Moscow Art Theatre School Turkey Mimar Sinan Fine Arts University Taipei National University of the Arts USA Stanford University Belgium The Royal Academy of Arts Antwerp The Netherlands ZUYD University Maastrcht Theatre Academy The Philippines School of Design and Arts 塞尔维亚贝尔格莱德 欧洲大学诺瓦艺术学院 USA Penn State University - School of Theatre USA University of Tennessee Faculty of Technical Sciences (FTN), Department of Architecture and Urbanism Hungarian University of Fine Arts, Department of Scenography Shanghai Theatre Academy More
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